Published on 2024-11-26 / 19 Visits




凤髻金泥带,龙纹玉掌梳。走来窗下笑相扶,爱道画眉深浅入时无? 弄笔偎人久,描花试手初。等闲妨了绣功夫,笑问鸳鸯两字、怎生书?




  1. 【辟谣】我国一炉笔尖钢,够全世界用几十年,堪称垄断商品终结者 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vo4y127hr

  2. 看公知如何打下圆珠笔的价格 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Nh4y1u7We




A pen is a common writing instrument that applies ink to a surface, usually paper, for writing or drawing. Early pens such as reed pens, quill pens, dip pens and ruling pens held a small amount of ink on a nib or in a small void or cavity which had to be periodically recharged by dipping the tip of the pen into an inkwell. Today, such pens find only a small number of specialized uses, such as in illustration and calligraphy. Reed pens, quill pens and dip pens, which were used for writing, have been replaced by ballpoint pens, rollerball pens, fountain pens and felt or ceramic tip pens. Ruling pens, which were used for technical drawing and cartography, have been replaced by technical pens such as the Rapidograph. All of these modern pens contain internal ink reservoirs, such that they do not need to be dipped in ink while writing

笔是一种常见的书写工具,用于在纸或其他表面上涂抹墨水以进行书写或绘画。早期的笔包括芦苇笔、鹅毛笔、蘸水笔和划线笔,它们在笔尖上或者一个小的空腔中储存少量的墨水,需要定期将笔尖蘸入墨水瓶中进行补充。如今,这些笔只在少数专业领域中使用,比如插图和书法。芦苇笔、鹅毛笔和蘸水笔这些用于书写的工具已经被圆珠笔、滚珠笔、钢笔和毡尖或陶瓷尖笔所取代。用于技术绘图和制图的划线笔已经被如 Rapidograph 等技术笔所取代。所有这些现代笔都有内置的墨水储存器,因此在书写时无需蘸墨水。



A fountain pen is a writing instrument that uses a metal nib to apply water-based ink to paper. It is distinguished from earlier dip pens by using an internal reservoir to hold ink, eliminating the need to repeatedly dip the pen in an inkwell during use. The pen draws ink from the reservoir through a feed to the nib and deposits the ink on paper via a combination of gravity and capillary action. Filling the reservoir with ink may be achieved manually, via the use of an eyedropper or syringe, or via an internal filling mechanism that creates suction (for example, through a piston mechanism) or a vacuum to transfer ink directly through the nib into the reservoir. Some pens employ removable reservoirs in the form of pre-filled ink cartridges。


等会……“dip pen”——蘸水笔——又是什么?

A dip pen or nib pen or pen nib usually consists of a metal nib with capillary channels like those of fountain pen nibs, mounted in a handle or holder, often made of wood. Other materials can be used for the holder, including bone, metal and plastic; some pens are made entirely of glass.

Generally dip pens have no ink reservoir, so the user must refill the ink from an ink bowl or bottle to continue drawing or writing. Sometimes a simple tubular reservoir can be clipped to the top of the pen, allowing for several minutes of uninterrupted use. Refilling can be done by dipping into an inkwell, but it is also possible to charge the pen with an eyedropper, a syringe, or a brush, which gives more control over the amount of ink applied. Thus, "dip pens" are not necessarily dipped; many illustrators call them nib pens.

Dip pens emerged in the early 19th century, when they replaced quill pens and,[1] in some parts of the world, reed pens. Dip pens were generally used before the development of fountain pens in the later 19th century, and are now mainly used in illustration, calligraphy, and comics.

While a fountain pen offers the convenience of less frequent refills, the dip pen has certain advantages over a fountain pen. It can use waterproof, pigmented, iron gall ink, particle-and-binder-based inks, such as India ink, drawing ink, and acrylic inks with ease; while fountain pens generally must use water based inks, require thorough and frequent cleaning to prevent clogging when used with pigmented or waterproof inks and may corrode when used with iron gall ink. Dip pen nibs may also corrode when used with iron gall ink but this is not as likely nor as problematic as the nib of a dip pen is often cleaned after each use, and is easily replaced. Dip pens are also more sensitive to variations of pressure and speed, producing a line that naturally varies in thickness.

There is a wide range of exchangeable nibs for dip pens, so different types of lines and effects can be created. The nibs and handles are far cheaper than most fountain pens, and allow color changes much more easily.







我国国标GB/T 26717-2011《自来水笔及其笔尖》给出定义:



A ballpoint pen, also known as a biro (British English), ball pen (Hong Kong, Indian and Philippine English), or dot pen (Nepali English), is a pen that dispenses ink (usually in paste form) over a metal ball at its point, i.e. over a "ball point". The metal commonly used is steel, brass, or tungsten carbide. The design was conceived and developed as a cleaner and more reliable alternative to dip pens and fountain pens, and it is now the world's most-used writing instrument; millions are manufactured and sold daily. It has influenced art and graphic design and spawned an artwork genre.



根据国标 GB/T 26714-2019《油墨圆珠笔和笔芯》、GB/T 32017-2019《水性墨水圆珠笔和笔芯》、GB/T 37853-2019《中性墨水圆珠笔和笔芯》,圆珠笔还细分为三种小类。



  1. 自来水笔:自来水笔也被称为钢笔或墨水笔。它使用液体墨水作为书写介质,通常是通过一个细小的金属钢笔尖释放墨水。自来水笔需要在使用前装填墨水或使用可更换的墨水盒。它提供流畅、连续的书写体验,并且在书写时需要较少的施力。自来水笔通常用于高质量的书写或艺术创作。

  2. 圆珠笔:圆珠笔是一种使用墨水凝胶的笔。它包含一个球形笔尖,墨水通过球头滚动释放到纸上。圆珠笔通常使用膏状的墨水,其干燥速度较快,不易晕染。它可以在各种类型的纸张上书写,并且相对便宜和易于使用。圆珠笔适合日常的快速记事和文件书写。

  3. 宝珠笔:宝珠笔是一种使用金属球珠的笔。它和圆珠笔类似,也是通过珠子滚动释放墨水。不同之处在于,宝珠笔使用液体墨水,而不是凝胶墨水。宝珠笔通常具有流畅的书写体验,而且因为使用液体墨水,它可以提供更加饱满的墨水流动。宝珠笔适合那些希望书写流畅且墨水色彩饱和的人。

  4. 啫喱笔:啫喱笔也是一种使用墨水凝胶的笔。它使用凝胶状的墨水,并且通常具有更大直径的笔尖。啫喱笔的墨水颜色鲜艳且有光泽,书写流畅。它可以在许多类型的纸张上使用,并且适合绘画和装饰等用途。

