Published on 2023-10-07 / 19 Visits


Internationalisation – risk or opportunity?

The internationalisation of the economy is not as recent as the buzzword[1] “globalisation” would have us believe. In fact, it was internationalisation that paved the way for[2] the beginnings of the insurance industry back in the 14th century, as shipowners sought to protect the increasing value of their ships and cargoes[3]. A document from 1347 is believed to be the oldest marine[4] insurance contract.


Even today, the complex nature of risks emanating from[5] international trade is one of the insurance industry’s most difficult challenges and one that affects all classes of business[6], as the following examples show:


1. More than 90 per cent of all world trade is transported by sea or other waterways. The largest container ships today, with cargoes of up to 13,000 containers, may be worth far in excess of[7] $1bn. However, even this concentration of values is small compared with that found at the world’s great container ports, such as Singapore or Hamburg, which act as depots[8] to goods worth tens of billions of dollars every day.

2. The outsourcing of production sites to low-wage countries does not just reduce costs. It can also reduce the quality of the goods produced. Defective[9] products can result in recall costs or even product liability costs[10]. Recent examples of recalls that spring to mind[11] include toys coated[12] with lead paint and toothpaste[13] contaminated[14] with the antifreeze[15] diethylene glycol.

3. Liability losses can reach extreme proportions[16] when pharmaceutical[17] products cause dangerous side-effects[18] in patients. National law in the country where the products are sold plays a key role in this connection. The US, in particular, has seen some extremely high awards for damages. For example, in November 2007 pharmaceutical giant Merck had to pay $4.85bn damages in the US alone following several thousand cases of heart attacks and strokes[19] caused by its Vioxx painkiller.

  1. 超过90%的世界贸易经由海洋或其它水路运输。现在最大的集装箱船——货载高达13000个集装箱——价值可能远超10亿美元。然而,即使对比世界性的大型货运港口,比如新加坡或汉堡——每天充当价值数十亿美元货物的仓库,这种集装箱船的价值集中度依然显得渺小。

  2. 将生产制造外包给低工资国家的行为不单只削减了开支。它还可以降低制成品的质量。残次品可以引致召回支出或甚至产品可靠性支出。突然想起最近的召回案例包括涂有铅漆的玩具和被防冻剂二乙二醇污染的牙膏。

  3. 当药品对患者造成危险的副作用时,责任损失可能达到极端程度。产品销售国的国家性法律在这个联系中至关重要。尤其在美国,就已有过极高的损害赔偿的案例。举个例子,2007年10月,制药巨头Merck在美国就因Vioxx止痛药所造成的数千例心脏病发作和中风,而不得不支付48.5亿美元的损害赔偿金。

These examples highlight the enormous extent of the insurance industry’s role in the global economy.


Insurance companies that cover such large risks need a secondary market where they can place them. Reinsurers[20] assume this function. Sharing the load among several carriers helps to spread the risks. The diversification effects achieved by spreading risks across different regions and classes of business allows reinsurers to balance their portfolios and realise[21] a level of capital efficiency that enables them to cover their clients’ risks – and ultimately those of the insureds – at a reasonable price.


Extreme losses in the past show just how important the reinsurer’s role is. One of the biggest loss events in the history of insurance was on September 11, 2001. The attack on the World Trade Center in New York was a prime[22] example of the complexity of today’s risks, with accumulation of losses across a range of insurance classes such as fire, business interruption, liability, life and health, and compounded[23] by significant capital market losses. The economic losses could only be remotely estimated at100bn. The losses for the international insurance industry came to 40bn, with 24bn of this covered by the reinsurance industry.*


The insurance industry also bore the brunt[24] of the losses in the 2005 hurricane season with Rita, Wilma and Katrina. Some US 94bn of the aggregate losses of US$ 180bn was borne by the insurance industry, US$ 42bn by the reinsurance industry alone. *


The insurance of large and accumulation risks is a definite advantage for the sustainable development of economies. In countries where insurance is not very far advanced, it is the vulnerable economies and above all the inhabitants that have to bear the brunt of these losses. The tsunami of 2004 not only brought immense[25] human suffering but also caused losses of over US$ 10bn. As the insurance density[26] in the regions affected is still very low, the insurance industry only covered a small percentage of these losses, less than US$ 1bn.*


Countries with an underdeveloped system of insurance suffer immeasurably more from major catastrophes[27] than those where a good part of[28] the material losses can be covered by professional risk carriers.


Reinsurance has always been an international business since its beginnings in the middle of the 19th century. By assuming a number of independent risks in different regions of the world, reinsurers create a balance in their portfolios. However, the causal and regional links between risks used to be much less pronounced[29] than they are today. The global economy is increasingly networked and interconnected. Risks are becoming ever more complex and the insurance industry has to develop new concepts for its clients in order to meet their need for risk cover in this changed environment.


To respond to this development, enterprise risk management has become increasingly important, especially for reinsurers themselves. They have to consider not only the complexity of the original risk, but also the fact that one and the same risk frequently comes from a large number of different sources, such as through international insurers.


To deal with these challenges, Munich Re has founded a central unit, Integrated Risk Management, which is responsible for uniform group-wide identification and handling of large and accumulation risks.

为了解决这些挑战,Munich Re曾成立了一个中心部门,Integrated Risk Management,负责集团范围内统一识别和处理大额和累积风险。

The regional business units, supported by a global network of local units, are thoroughly familiar with the special features of the individual markets. Together with clients, they develop solutions for the assumption of risks. Centralised risk management processes ensure that cross-regional and cross-line risks are identified and suitably limited in Munich Re’s aggregate portfolio.

区域业务部门在全球本地单位网络的支持下,对不同独立市场的特点更加熟悉。他们与客户一起共同开发风险承担的解决方案。中心化的风险管理进程确保了跨区域和跨线的风险都被识别了以及被恰当地限制在Munich Re的总投资组合中。

In this process, there is clearly a lot more to consider than just the underwriting risk[30]. For example, if we cover significant product-liability risks of a pharmaceutical company, we do not then buy large amounts of stock in this company. This ensures that we are not struck twice when large claims payments[31] are accompanied by a fall in the company’s share price.


Failure to implement such a holistic[32] risk management policy can lead to a dramatic underestimation of the true risk position.


This has been evident in the current financial market crisis. For successful risk management, it is essential to identify concentration risks and systemic risks for which diversification in the portfolio does not work.

这在最近的金融市场危机中十分明显。对于成功的风险管理,识别投资组合中并不有效的多样性中的集中风险和系统风险,是十分必要的。(为了成功的风险管理,必须识别集中风险和系统性风险,而投资组合中的多元化不起作用。 )

Far-reaching[33] risk trading mechanisms can lead to very high systemic risks for the entire sector involved. The insurance industry has therefore created global standards. It learnt its lessons from the LMX (London Market Excess of Loss) spiral in the late 1980s, where risks were passed on endlessly in the London market. Two key principles in the global insurance systems are that players must have a sizeable[34] retention[35] in the insurance risk, and that risk transfer in the insurance sector ends with retrocession[36], or the protection of reinsurers. There may be no further transfer of risk beyond this.


Munich Re seeks to achieve a suitable balance between opportunity and risk – to play a meaningful role in global economic development and in so doing create profit for our stakeholders[37].

Munich Re想要在机遇和风险之间寻找一个恰当的平衡——为了在全球经济的发展中扮演一个意义非凡的角色,并借此为我们的利益相关者创造利润。

At the same time, we also want to contribute to economic and technological progress and thus to the development of society as a whole. We do this by providing our clients with as much capacity as possible and with optimal[38] innovative solutions – for example through the cover of new climate-protection technologies. With our Integrated Risk Management we ensure that our company is protected against losses that may threaten its existence – so that we are always in a position to meet our obligations to our clients.

与此同时,我们也希望对经济和科技的进程做出贡献,并因此社会发展做出相同的贡献。(同时,我们也希望为经济和技术进步做出贡献,从而为整个社会的发展做出贡献。)我们通过为客户提供尽可能多的资金和最佳的创新方案——比如通过覆盖新的气候保护技术,来实现这一目的。借助我们的Integrated Risk Management,我们确保我方公司免受可能威胁其生存的损失——因此时刻准备履行对客户的义务。(以便我们始终能够履行对客户的义务。)

*All the loss estimates above are in 2007 dollars (adjusted for inflation).


Torsten Jeworrek is a member of the board of management at reinsurer Munich Re.

Torsten Jeworrek是再保险公司Munich Re的管理委员会成员。


  1. Buzzword:(报刊等的)时髦术语,流行行话

  2. Pave the way for:为……铺平道路

  3. Cargoe:(船或飞机装载的)货物

  4. Marine:海的;海生的;海产的;海船的;货船的;海上贸易的

  5. Emanate from:从…发出;来自;发射;源于;发源于

  6. Business:商业;商务;生意;事情;买卖;商业机构;营业额;公事;重要事情,要点;贸易额;营业状况;归(某人或某机构)管的事

  7. In excess of:超过

  8. Depot:(大宗物品的)贮藏处,仓库;车库;修车厂;火车小站;公共汽车小站

  9. Defective:有缺陷的;有毛病的;有缺点的

  10. Product liability cost:产品责任成本

  11. Spring to mind:突然想起;(想法)一下子冒出来

  12. Coat:给…涂上一层;(用…)覆盖

  13. Toothpaste:牙膏

  14. Comtamate:污染,弄脏;玷污,毒害,腐蚀(人的思想或品德);(加入杂质)使不纯,使变得低劣;使受放射性污染;使受毒气影响

  15. Antifreeze:防冻剂

  16. Propotion:比例;部分;面积;份额;均衡;匀称;正确的比例;倍数关系;等比关系

  17. Pharmaceutical:制药的;配药的;卖药的

  18. Side-effects:副作用

  19. Stroke:中风;击球(动作);一笔;(打、击等的)一下;轻抚;一击;钟声;游泳姿势;(成功的)举动;划水动作;划桨动作;尾桨手

  20. Reinsurer:再保险人;再保公司

  21. Realise:实现;意识到;了解,认识到;变卖,赚得

  22. Prime:主要的;首要的;基本的;优质的;典型的;优异的;有代表性的;最可能的;上乘的

  23. Cpmpound:混合;支付,收取(复利);使加重;使恶化;由…构成(或形成);掺和;拌和

  24. Brunt:冲击;主要的压力

  25. Immense:巨大的;极大的

  26. Insurance density:保险密度

  27. Catastrophe:灾难;灾祸;困难;横祸;不幸事件

  28. A good part of:……的很大一部分

  29. Pronounced:明显的;显著的;表达明确的

  30. Underwriting risk:承保风险

  31. Claims payment:索赔付款

  32. Holistic:整体的;全面的;功能整体性的

  33. Far-reaching:深远的;广泛的

  34. Sizeable:可观的,相当大的

  35. Retention:保持;维持;保留;(液体、热量等的)保持,阻滞;记忆力;记性

  36. Retrocession:转分保;退却

  37. Stakeholders:(某组织、工程、体系等的)参与人,参与方;赌金保管人;有权益关系者

  38. Optimal:最佳的;最优的


Financial Time,《Internationalisation – risk or opportunity?》,https://www.ft.com/content/74d43adc-b43e-11dd-8e35-0000779fd18c





